Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Psychic Txt - Psychic Tarot Reading Week of 824-830, 2015

Psychic Txt -
This is Bethany with Psychic Txt bringing
you your weekly Tarot Forecast for the week of August 24th through the 30th. So, I thought
I would break out another deck of Tarot cards that I think are beautifully illustrated.
They mostly focus on the relationships in our lives but they can also be used for the
general approach to most situations. Let's see what bit of wisdom they can impart to
us this week. We get here the card that says there is a
relationship or situation in your life that you may refuse to see things as they truly

Are there qualities about a relationship in your life that you have rose tinted glasses
on and everyone is saying to you, what are you doing? Or, this is just not who you are?
Perhaps you should remove those rose tinted glasses and take a long hard look at yourself
or your situation. Are there things about this relationship or yourself that you could
improve upon? Is it even worth fixing? Maybe it's time to move on. Whatever it is, don't
live in the dark about yourself or your situation. It's time to stop and see things truly as
they are.

Then we get the card that says Change Your
Focus. I know sometimes in life we all face difficult times, disappointments, failed relationships
or missed opportunities. It's okay to be sad for a bit. In fact, it's necessary to know
some disappointment in our lives as it allows us to embrace the good times and the good

But, don't sit and visit with disappointment or hurt for too long. It's
time to change your focus and look at all the things around you that you have been blessed
with. Go with the flow of the changes around you. Embrace the changes that are coming and
move forward with confidence that something better awaits you.
And last but not least, we get the card of nurture.

This is to remind all of us to take
care of ourselves this week. Nurture yourself by eating right, exercising, maybe enjoying
a nice hot bath, or a walk in nature. Do something you really love that is completely about nurturing
your spirit and yourself. This is also a good time to tend to the relationships you value
in your life.

Reach out and let them know you love them and let them know they are important
to you. When we nurture ourselves and the relationships in our lives, we are sending
a message out to the universe that we love. And, when we put that vibe out to the universe
that we love, we will bring love right back to us.
So, I hope you guys have an awesome week and I hope to see you here next week. If you would
like a private session with me, please feel free to contact me through the psychic txt
app on your google play store or iTunes.

Talk with you next week. Bye!.

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