Thursday, May 17, 2018

Psychic Txt - Free Tarot Card Reading, Week of June 22-28, 15 -- By Bethany

Psychic Txt -
Hey there guys, this is Bethany with Psychic
Txt bringing you your weekly Tarot Card Reading. So, last week I was not able to post my weekly
video like I intended to do because for some reason Mercury Retrograde was extended for
me! Not really, but I could not get our internet fixed properly, so it was down all week. Needless
to say it was a frustrating week for me and I missed all of you. So, this week, I'm anxious
to get started and look at your week ahead.

Again, I want to repeat that you should use
this Tarot card reading the same way you use your horoscope - as a general reading of your
week as a whole. Let's get started. So, I've already shuffled
and pulled out some cards here. Let me position that right for you, here we go.

Okay, so we
have the Nine of Pentacles here. The Nine of Pentacles is represented by the number
nine which means that a situation or an event is nearing completion. Another level of experience
awaits. That's either friendship or love.

The Nine of Pentacles is saying that you may
find both through your work or while you are out eating at your favorite restaurant. So
if you are looking for love, you should keep your eyes wide open because that new love
just may be there! In financial situations you may find you get an offer of financial
assistance or if you have been seeking new work, this week you may hear from that company
you applied for or hear of a new opportunity. The Nine of Pentacles is primarily business
oriented and you are in a position now you will find yourself getting that promotion
you wanted or making more money at your job - something like that. So here, we have Temperance.

Temperance is
the Major Arcana card which means that it overpowers all the other cards that are present
in this read in impact and in effect. Temperance is saying that this week you will find that
things you thought you had a handle on or maybe that you thought you buried may resurface
again. Uh oh! This could be anything from old friends, lovers, habits, business related
matters - maybe even a diet and losing weight. Anything you hoped may not come back up again...

The sole purpose of this is to test your very core. You may find that you need
some spiritual assistance to get through this, which I feel kind of leads us to our next
card. The Ten of Swords is such a powerful card
in my opinion because you can clearly see here that it is a man with ten swords in his
back. The blanket of red over his lower torso has always just shook me to my inner core
because this card is actually quite violent.

It's literally the end of everything, nothing
more can be done, it is done!So, when I see this card in a reading, it tells me right
off the bat whether it's in love or health or business, good or bad, it is done.. It
is finished. If an old problem creeps up on you this week, just remember that you are
done with that. You have buried it and you can walk away now.

This card also has a bit
of hope to it. And, that would be in rebirth - a new beginning, moving on to bigger and
better things. Take everything you have learned from that old relationship or that job you
finally left behind and feel confident you have grown from that experience and it is
time to move forward. So, that concludes our Tarot reading for the

I want to thank you so much for listening and I hope you find yourself growing from
your challenges this week. If you would like to contact me for more information, you can
find me on the Psychic Txt app in your Google Play store. My name is Bethany and I hope
you help you schedule a reading with me today! Have a wonderful and peaceful week. Namaste.

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