Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mediumship Training, How to Become a Spiritual Medium - Part 1

Mediumship Training, How
Mediumship: The Basics of Becoming a Bridge
Between Spirit & Earth - Part 1 If you discover you have intuitive abilities
you may wish to spend time developing them. You might also want to help others by facilitating
contact with their loved ones spirit-side. You can learn to become a bridge between the
Earthly realm and the spirit realm, do it as a profession or as a hobby to provide healing
for friends and family. Communicating with the spirit world daily
keeps you in touch with spirit companions, spirit guides, and the universal consciousness,
it also allows for in-pourings of infinite intelligent energy.

You may discover that your abilities are rather
more developed than you had previously imagined and wish to help others with your newly discovered
gifts - and you can. Being a spiritual medium can provide enormous
amounts of healing to people. For example, providing comfort by showing
beyond all doubt that a woman's husband still lives-on in spirit, or confirming to a skeptic
that death is not the end, or conveying to a client that her father is pleased with her
achievements. Imagine how this can make people feel.

Mediumship must under no circumstances to
be taken lightly. Years of training and development, personal
balancing and tuning are required. You are dealing with other people's emotions
after all, it's a big responsibility. A good spiritual medium stands for truth,
love and light, with the highest intent to serve.

Spiritual mediumship is a selfless act. A good professional medium may require a fee
to put food on the table, but mediumship should not be undertaken with excessive profit as
the main driver, instead it should be the will to help others, provide healing, understanding,
reassurance and comfort. When you become a communications tool for
spirit entities to convey meaning to their loved ones on the earthly plane, you are reaffirming
to your client that these bonds of love and friendship go on and are everlasting. It's an amazing service to provide for someone.

It is however, not like getting in touch with
your own spirit guides and loved ones passed-over, because you are tuning in to the vibrations
of strangers. Practice is required. A medium must learn to screen out and filter
unwanted spirit chatter as if they are focusing on a person across a crowded room. You must not let interference cloud your judgement
and confuse the message.

Not all psychics are mediums, but all mediums
are psychic. A psychic uses psychic skills to read the
energies of people (spirits incarnate as human) within the earthly realm. A spiritual medium uses psychical skills to
read the energies of spirits within the spirit world. A medium however, is psychic too and this
can present a problem.

When a client visits, you can pick up on their
emotional energies, thoughts and expectations and this can effect the reading you give. You must learn to filter these out through
practising on many people first. You must learn through experience when you're
picking up psychic energies or those of spirit. It's hard to describe skills such as these
and they must learned within a mediumistic circle or similar group, explained shortly.

Ask your client to close their eyes and relax
for a few moments before you begin a session. Remind them to be free of expectations so
that you do not pick up on them psychically. Over time you must build up a relationship
with your spirit guides. Your purpose in life is changing, and even
if mediumship is only a hobby, your spirit guides need to adjust.

Often-times you'll have a lead spirit guide
who guides you the most in every day life and ensures you're staying on track according
to your life plan if you have one. Different spirit guides preform different
functions, for example, if you're an artist you may have an artist spirit guide who helps
you while you paint. You may also have a motherly guide to help
you in parenting and a business-minded guide for running a business. These are guides with certain expertise, learned
during one or more previous lifetimes.

Now that you are becoming a medium, you'll
need a very active, highly attentive spirit guide who'll take on the task of being the
gatekeeper for communication. They'll help to screen spirits coming to you
for communication and aid spirits struggling to get their meaning across. The guides bring the spirits forward to you
and align their vibrations with yours. They are a little like a customer adviser.

They manage the line of customers and give
them access to you and the client when it's their turn. You need to establish who this special spirit
guide is, there may be more than one, and build relationships with them. Your vibration must be tuned with theirs on
a deep and permanent level. You are not just a radio.

You can't simply tune yourself in and receive
the signal, although this analogy isn't far from the truth. Some spirits in the spirit realm find it easier
to initiate and maintain contact than others. Some find it easier to communicate understandably
than others. It's like working in a busy store, some of
your spirit customers will be easy to deal with, some tricky.

You may need to almost counsel a spirit through
contact if their energy is weak, if it's a faint connection or if they're experiencing
any other difficulty. Again this is all learned through experience. As a medium in training you'll likely discover
that some psychical senses are easier to use than others. The choice is different for everybody.

Some use one sense primarily, others a combination
of all. The main psychical senses that mediums use
are: Clairvoyance, where you see images, objects,
people and scenes presented to you in your mind's eye. For this it's best to build up a bank of symbols
(archetypes) for spirits to present to you that represent certain meanings to you. Your mind is an open book to the spirit world
as long as you allow it.

Your personal language of symbols and their
meanings is accessible to them. As an example, if you decide that a horse
represents freedom to you, if spirit shows you a horse then the topic is going along
the lines of the client needing more freedom or gaining more freedom. Other accompanying symbols should clarify
this. You may frequently use clairaudience as a
means of spirit communication, although this is often used in conjunction with other senses.

This is where sounds are heard within the
mind almost as if the ears have heard them, or more rarely, actual sound heard by the
ears. You might hear a name quite loudly in your
mind and know that this is the name of the spirit companion trying to communicate with
your client. Sometimes single letters or numbers are heard,
this is due to spirits' frequent inability to communicate fully. Conversations very rarely occur in the mind
of the medium unless they are very advanced or in a state of trance.

Clairsentience occurs as a sense of knowing. It's similar to the psychic ability known
as telepathy, except telepathy is performed between humans. Telepathy and clairsentience is the communication
of a concept or idea as a whole, or a sense of knowing. It's the 'I feel like' of spirit communication.

For example, the medium is not shown or told
that uncle Fred was a successful businessman, she simply knows it all of a sudden. Furthermore, the medium may have the feeling
of being a very successful person, and therefore knows that while we are on the topic of uncle
Fred, he must have either been a successful man himself or is recognizing the success
of your client. Accompanying information can clarify this. Psychometry can be used to initiate and strengthen
contact with spirit.

This is where the energy of a person has been
transferred onto a personal possession such as a hat or a pipe for smoking. Holding the object causes the energy signature
of the previous owner to be effectively broadcast out into the universe (distance in not a factor
in spiritual dimensions), strengthening contact by aligning the energy vibrations. Automatic writing is where pen and paper are
used by the medium during a meditative or trance-like state. The arm of the medium is taken over, and words
are scribbled sometimes quickly, conveying meaning.

Artistic spiritual mediums can use spirit
drawing. An image of the spirit can be drawn using
a clairvoyant impression and artistic skills. The portrait may not always appear identical
to how the client remembers them in life, this is because spirits sometimes present
themselves how they want to be viewed, perhaps younger in their earthly life. Sit in on a mediumistic circle to develop
your skills.

You need others to practice with and to discuss
what's working and what's not. You can build strong bonds and make good friends
while learning together. Your local spiritualist church is likely to
run a mediumistic circle. An 'open circle' is where anyone can come
along and join, a 'closed circle' is by invitation only.

You can graduate from one to the other. You may be able to find independent spiritual
and metaphysical circles online, directed by an experienced medium. Do your homework when choosing a medium either
for teaching or for having a reading performed for yourself. You might want to attend a few readings before
deciding to go ahead and practice mediumship yourself.

How long have they been practicing? Do they come recommended? Do they belong to an online community where
they are rated? Did they have any formal training? There are official organisations and colleges
that train mediums if you care to research them, you could study at one yourself! Always thoroughly check and ask for recommendations
before joining any group, teacher or organisation. A fake medium is likely to consider money
first and foremost. Because a mediumistic reading is un-provable
it's hard to get your money back. You know when something is wrong when nothing
makes sense or the medium asks many probing questions.

Remember however that even the best mediums
have off days, but primarily things should make sense. Some pieces of information don't make sense
for days, sometimes weeks after the reading. Realization comes though a family member or
finding an old photograph or letter. A medium can never make promises about which
spirits with come through or on what information they can gather from spirit.

Contact doesn't work that way, and you tend
to get what you're given! Mediums as a general rule don't advertise
their services, they tend to rely on word of mouth and recommendation. If you see an advertisement for a hotline
telephone reading, it's probably not the real thing - especially if it's premium rate!.

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