Monday, May 7, 2018

Psychic Txt - Free Online Tarot Reading - Week of July 6-12, 2015

Psychic Txt -
Hi Guys, this is Bethany from Psychic Txt
bringing you your weekly Tarot Card reading. I wanted to go ahead and get started with
the reading since it seems that when I started shuffling together the cards for this week's
reading, a lot of cards fell out. I always take this as a cue from the universe that
they really have something important to share, so let's get started.
So first, what we have here is the Five of Pentacles. The Five of Pentacles indicates
change, challenge and fluctuations are ahead.

You can expect a situation to arise that maybe
you have avoided or one that you haven't wanted to deal with. You may here talk of or news
of a health issue concerning someone close to you. This could be something that needs
immediate attention and shouldn't be avoided any longer. You may also find that you need
some rest from recent emotional stress or feeling discouraged about a particular situation
you may be facing such as hearing about health problems.

That is never fun!
Next, we have the Eight of Cups. And, the Eight of Cups comes along and says you must
have a positive change of mind. Things may not be going as easy as you hoped for or even
going according to the plans you have laid out. But, it seems conditions do take a turn
for the better or prove to actually be a very lucky break.

Soon you will find yourself moving
in a new direction leaving behind that pain, that doubt, or that worry that may be what's
concerning a particular health issue with yourself or maybe with someone else. So, that's
actually good news. Next, we've got the King of Cups. And he focuses
mostly on those things that center around your home or a business that you do out of
your home.

Seems you will have some luck with your business as someone is going to seek
you out or inquire about you or your services. This could lead to more business down the
road so give it a chance. For some of you this could be that you are either about to
close on a new home or moving into a new one this week. If that is the case, congratulations!
I've also got the Two of Cups.

The Two of Cups here is saying that you will hear unexpected
news about someone you haven't seen in a while or this can also mean a proposal from that
someone special. This will be the week that your loved one really expresses that deep
love for you and shows you just how much they love and appreciate you. So that is really
really good news for those of you involved in relationships. Sometimes we get taken for
granted which is never a good thing.

So perhaps if you've been feeling like they are taking
you for granted, maybe this week will be the week they show you that they really do care.
I also have the Page of Cups which warns of an emotional argument breaking out between
you and someone you are close to. This may cause you to reexamine your goals and what
you want out of life which in turn may provide the answer you have been seeking all along.
So, keep that in mind when a fight or a disagreement breaks out, or maybe someone is pointing out
something to you that you have needed to hear but is difficult to hear. Sometimes we have
to take those cues to make good changes in our life. That may happen this week.
And as we close, I have the Nine of Wands here.

All of your efforts in love, relationships,
and work will be fruitful. I see encouragement to socialize, circulate and get out with others.
Good fortune comes from serving others and getting out of the norm. Shake things up and
tear down the walls that keep you from stepping out and being around those that make you feel
good. Encourage someone else you know may need this during the week.

It will be incredible
for you and for their health and for both of your well beings.
So have a blessed, happy, and peaceful week. If you would like to schedule a personal reading
with me, you can find me on your Google Play store at the Psychic Txt app. My name is Bethany
and I look forward to hearing from you. Also leave me some comments or any feedback you
have regarding my readings.

I truly do hope they are helping you with your week and giving
you guidance. Thank you so much and I will see you all next week..

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