Saturday, May 12, 2018

Psychic Txt - Free Reading - Week of 0424-0430, 2016

Psychic Txt - Free Reading - Week of 0424-0430, 2016
Hello Psychic txters. My name is Cortney and
I am an adviser on Psychic txt. Today I am here to give you your free reading for the
week of April 24th through the 30th. The three cards I have pulled for you this
week are the three of Pentacles, the knight of swords, and the seven of cups.

So what
this means for you this week is that projects and other things you have been working on
will be noticed by others. If you have been working hard at work and have been wondering
if you boss is recognizing this tells me that they indeed have been paying attention even
if they have not mentioned it to you. Or it could be a project you have been working on
at home. Or maybe just your day to day life and the effort you have been putting into
a relationship or friendship.

Yes your husband has noticed how hard you work each day taking
care of the home and kids. Yes your wife see's and is thankful for all the extra hours you
have been putting in on the weekends. That beautiful garden you have been sowing away
at all spring is coming up and the neighborhood see's how wonderful it looks. And since all
of this effort is being noticed,good news and rewards will be finding their way to you

Possibly that promotion or raise you have been pushing for. Or the vacation you
have been saving up for will finally be more of a reality then a distant wish. Maybe your
husband will decide you deserve a trip to the spa to relax and refresh. Maybe your wife
will surprise you with those sports tickets you have been wanting.

And with this good
news and rewards will come options and opportunities for you. You will be offered choices and options
so you do not just have to take what is handed to you. You may be offered more then one option
for a promotion. Or you may realize that not only have you reached your goal for your vacation,
or that new car you have been saving for, but you have surpassed it and you now have
more options then you had planned for that you get to choose between.

Over all this weeks
readings if very positive and speaks of goals accomplished and rewards and recognition for
hard work and effort. Thank you for watching and remember that I along with many other
of our wonderful advisers are always available to offer readings and insights on the Psychic
txt App..

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