Sunday, May 20, 2018

Psychic Txt - Online Psychic Readings - Week of July 13-19, 2015

Psychic Txt -
Hey guys this is Bethany from Psychic Txt
coming to you with your weekly Tarot Card Reading. This is a general outlook for the
week of July 13th through the 19th. I've already shuffled the cards and I found it
interesting that I got the King of Cups again this week. He must find it necessary to linger
around for our new week, so let's take a look to see what he has to say about our week

So I wanted to look at this card compared to the next card that fell in after him which
happened to be the card of Strength. The King of Cups has heavy emphasis on things concerning
the home and home life. It can be connected to having a home business also. It's represented
by the Sun Sign Cancer.

This could refer to people who are Cancers or have Cancer like
personality traits such as highly emotional, moody, changeable, home loving, cranky, focused,
or sometimes a bit crabby. We are also currently celebrating birthdays of people who fall under
the Sun Sign Cancer. This card falling with the Strength card says that you may find some
challenging situations ahead pertaining to your home, your home business, finances, or
family matters concerning the home. There may be matters occurring in the home that
stem from a situation in the past.

This unexpected challenge or confrontation may leave a lasting
impression on both of you. Getting results may be slow coming in the situation, but as
time passes, you will see that things turn toward a more positive light. There will be
a decision to forget and forgive the past and get on with the future. There seems to
be powerful spiritual forces at work this week to remove your obstacles and to help
you overcome anything that has stopped you from future success.

You will be given the
power to succeed. Pray and have meditation is important for this week. Pray with conviction
and don't be fearful. And last, we have the Judgement card.

Judgement card says that there will a waiting period where there will be partial success,
but more shall be revealed later. It also indicates a reunion with an element of surprise
involving relationships. Things this week are going to be different especially concerning
relationships in the home or perhaps your business that you run out of the home. In
finances, you can expect improved conditions in the form of payment on an investment or
through stocks, bonds, or profit sharing.

Judgement is also saying that you have supportive
friends and loved ones but there may be one relationship in particular that you must improve
upon or it needs to end. Things may be different and you will have changes but accept what
is offered; it could change your life forever. So you'll find yourself exactly where you
need to be this week. Thank you so much for your continued support
and letting me guide you through your week.

If you would like a private reading, please
feel free to contact me through the Google Play or iTunes store on the Psychic Txt app.
My name is Bethany and I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you and have a wonderful week!.

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