Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Nathan For You - The Ghost Realtor

Nathan For You - The Ghost Realtor
(Drum beats) - [Nathan] Sue Stanford
(slow guitar tune) is one of over six
thousand licensed realtors in L.A. County. And in an over-saturated
market, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. - We're continually trying
to outdo the other (laughs) person you know trying to get business.

- So I paid her a visit to
help her become one of the most sought after realtors in the city. So, I always like to
begin with some small talk to break the ice and make
the other person comfortable. - Okay - Um, have you ever posed
for a painting before? - No, not actually, have
not for anything like that. - You'd make a good model,
you're very beautiful.

- Well bless your heart, thank
you so much for saying that. - You're welcome. So is that enough small talk
to make you comfortable? - Yeah, I guess so, um? - My mission was to make Sue
one of L.A.'S top realtors. The plan, have her specialize
in a currently unrepresented group of home buyer.

The 50% of people who believe in ghosts. - Ghosts? - When you show a house, half
the people that come through are thinking, is there a ghost in here? - Okay. - So it surprised me that
I've never seen a realtor that can guarantee that
all the homes they sell, are entirely ghost free. - True, yeah.

- So what I'm suggesting is
a complete rebranding of you, as the ghost realtor. (Sue breaths in heavily)
(chuckles) - It's really a wild idea. - Sue wasn't fully seeing my vision yet. So to help sell it to her, I
mocked up some new branding, and prepared a special
surprise to get her excited.

- Uh huh. - Alright, open your eyes! Look! - Oh my gosh! That's amazing. - Pretty great, huh? - That's me! My homes are 100% ghost and demon free! Oh my goodness! - [Nathan] I could tell Sue was
thrilled with her new image. But to fully rebrand as the Ghost Realtor, she'd need to work with the
professional psychic medium who could verify whether her
homes were truly ghost free.

So I found a local psychic online. - Hello, I'm psychic Ron Bard. - [Nathan] And arranged
for he and Sue to meet at one of her listings. - My mother was considered
queen of the psychics by Dr.

Hans Holzer, he's written 145 books. - Wow. - And my daughter just found
her first missing child in New York. - Okay.

So just to be clear, if
there's a ghost in this house, you'll be able to tell. - That's correct. - With Ron's guarantee,
I introduced him to Sue. - My great pleasure.

- And then we followed as he
lead us through the house, inspecting each room for
the presence of any ghosts. - Definitely a change of
energies, you feel that correct? - Mm hmm, definitely, I feel
like chills are coming down my spine. - Is it a ghost? - No. - Things were off to a great start, as Ron believed the first house
was completely ghost free.

- I'm not feeling there's
any entities in this house. - Well that's good!
- That's good! - Yes!
- I can sell the house! - Yeah (laughs)!
- Yeah. - But when we visited another
one of Sue's listings, Ron felt a presence immediately. - A man is screaming, you
know, arguing throughout the house.

- Screaming and arguing? - Yeah, this is no good. - Oh dear.
- The bathroom? - This whole house, something's wrong. - Wow. - Ron sensed evil all around us.

- Something went on back there. - But it wasn't until
we went into the bedroom that he felt the true
presence of the ghost. - Do you feel like
there's ghosts around, or? - Yeah. - Ooh, Is that right? - I feel there are entities in this house.

- I see. - There's no question about it. - Well that sucks for you. - Yeah, yeah.

- What is his activity in the house? - It's like evil. It's like, you know what an incubus is? It's a ghost that will have sex
with someone until they die. (Sue gasps) - Wow, that's like what I
experienced when I was in Switzerland. Something, a bad spirit or a bad entity.

- This is a room that
it's generating from. - What happened in Switzerland? - When I was being choked. - You were being choked in Switzerland? - Yeah.
- We were just talking about that.
- What? - Earlier we were.
- Choked by what? - By an entity like that, I
felt like I was being picked, - Wait, a ghost choked you in Switzerland? - Yes! - Wow! - Oh yes, there's been many
things that has happened in my life. That's why it's such
interesting to meet you.

(Gloomy music)
- Sue's bombshell about the Switzerland ghost made me feel an urgency
to get rid of this entity right way. The only question was how? - Could always be cleaned. - Ron suggested an exorcism. So the next morning I found
an exorcist from Fresno named Brother Carlos.

- You have to obey me. You have to come out in the
name of Jesus Christ, devils! - And booked him to do an
exorcism in the master bedroom for the following week. (Synthesized flash)
(slow guitar music) In the meantime, Sue had an
appointment to show the house, that she preferred not to cancel. So before the potential
buyer arrived, I reminded her to be upfront about
the status of the home.

You just have to be honest
with the person you're showing it to. And let them know that even
though there is an entity, we will be doing an exorcism
very soon, and that will get rid of it. - That's yes, okay, that sounds perfect. - Okay, great, so good luck! - Okay, thank you so much.

- Thanks. (Nathan and Sue kiss)
(bright piano music) And moments later, Sue
began her first showing as the Ghost Realtor. - So the dining room's this
way and then the kitchen's to your right. - [Nathan] After the potential
buyer made her way through the house, it was up to
Sue to close the deal.

- So what did you think? - I like it! Especially the walk-in closet. - Oh, a nice big one! - Yes! It's a nice big closet. And the master bedroom is really nice. - Yes.
- I like it, yes.

- Wonderful. Well I do have to
explain something to you. Um, upstairs in the mater bedroom, we did find an entity,
and um, it was an incubus. I know you're wondering what that is.

- I have no idea (laughs).
- Yeah, yeah. Well that is a pretty
evil spirit actually. And he said that the spirit rapes women, and has sex with them until they die. I know it sounds awful
but we're going to have it taken care of.

We're going to have an exorcist
come in and get rid of it. - This is real, really, like? (Laughs uncomfortably)
- I know. I know, isn't that unbelievable that things like this
happen in this world. So trust me! Come back in a couple
of days and you'll see, it's a big difference.

- [Nathan] It was clear
Sue was having trouble keeping buyers interested
with an incubus still present. But I was hopeful all that
would change after our exorcism. (Synthesized flash)
(spooky keyboard music) It was finally the night of the exorcism, and after Brother Carlos,
our exorcist arrived, Sue and I let him upstairs
to the bedroom where the entity was detected. - So what I'm gonna do, I'm
gonna anoint this place, - Mm hmm.
- Okay, and I'm going to command
the spirits to leave.

(Intense spooky music)
In the modern day of The Lord Jesus Christ,
come out evil spirits! Making people believe you are
spirits of bad humans, huh? Liars, liars and deceivers! Get out, get out of here! And don't ever, ever come back! (Bells chiming) - After getting rid of the spirit, Brother Carlos insisted that he had to cleanse us as well, as
demons can sometimes attach themselves to
humans and manifest as physical ailments. - Do you have any health issues? Are you constantly getting sick? Do you have migraine headache
hitting you all the time? - I do have one thing, but it's kind of, private, personal?
- Alright. - It's a, hemorrhoids. - Yeah, that's demonic, oh yeah.

- Okay. - So how do you say it again? I don't say this name very often. Hemorrhoids? - Hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids. Yeah, I don't say this name very often.

- Oh, I see. - So let me go ahead and
address this thing right now. Okay? In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I command demons of hemorrhoids. I am casting you out evil
spirits, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Hemorrhoid demons, come out! - Is it gone? - Wow, you look different. - I do? - Mm hmm. You look like something
just happened, definitely. - Wow.

If Sue noticed a change that quickly, I wanted to be sure to
leave no stone unturned. Can it help with penis size? - You see, yeah, okay.
- Do you have something for a small penis? - If it's demonic, yeah,
I can cast out the demon from that. I don't have to say for
the thing to, you know, increase in size, or whatever. - Okay.

- In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I command all of you demons! If there's a demon there, um, you know, affecting this man's penis male organs, making it smaller, whatever,
if there's any demon there, lodged in his penis right now, come out! In the name of Jesus Christ, come out! You might be free from this thing already. - Really?
- Oh yeah. - After Brother Carlos had
addressed by personal demons. - I have extremely bad back
problem if that can be.

- [Brother Carlos] Oh yeah. - He offered to help Sue
by removing the demons causing her back pain. - And as I am addressing
these demons right now, I'm gonna be more aggressive, okay, because I know you have
signs of someone that has demons inside, okay? So.
- Okay. - Just make eye contact with me right now.

- Okay.
(Intense spooky music) - In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I command any evil spirit
that The Lord Jesus Christ has identified, to face divine judgement for violating this soul. In the name of The Lord Jesus
Christ, I command you now to get out of this woman
right now evil spirits. I command you now to get out! Demons look at my eyes! Look at my eyes! You've been messing up with her back, huh? Right devils! I'm commanding you to come out! I am commanding you to come out! I am commanding you to come out! (Sue yells and cries) I am commanding you to
come out in the name of Jesus Christ, come out! Come out! Get out! Get out! Come out of Sue's chest. Come out! Come out! Come out evil spirits! Come out evil spirits! Demons messin' up with the
vertebrae's in the neck! Come out in the name of
Jesus Christ, come out! I want all demons out
of her spine, get out! (Sue cries)
Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! In the name of Jesus Christ, get out! (Phone camera clicks) In the name of Jesus Christ, get out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out! In the name of Jessuah, come out! In the name of Jessuah, come out! Get out, look in my
eyes, you have to go now.

- Uh huh.
You have to go! I'm casting you out, you have to go. - Okay.
- You have to go! Leave now!
(Sue moans softly) Leave now!
(Sue moans loudly) Leave now!
- Okay! - Leave, leave, leave!
- Stop it! - Leave!
- Stop it! - Leave! Go now, and don't ever come back. Take a deep breath three times, please. (Sue breathing deeply) (sighs) - You didn't hurt her or anything, right? - No.

- Okay. 'Cause she looks like she's almost dead. Are you okay Sue?
- Yeah, actually I'm fine. I think I've been feeling
a lot of relief now.

It's amazing (sighs). (Intense synthesized creepy music).

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