Saturday, May 19, 2018

Psychic Txt - Online Psychic Readings - Psychic Tarot Reading 82-89, 2015

Psychic Txt -
This is Bethany from Psychic Txt bringing
your weekly Tarot Forecast. This is for the week of August 2nd through August 9th. So,
this week we started off with the Two of Pentacles. The Two of Pentacles is this guy with a funny
looking hat who appears to be juggling two pentacles and in the background you can see
a ship riding some pretty high waves up and down, up and down.

So this part is saying
expect some highs and some lows this week. Maybe you might find yourself juggling your
finances or maybe trying to find some type of balance between your highs and lows. Perhaps
you are a single and you have a couple of different people you were weighing in on which
one is better suited for you. Whatever you may be facing, whether it is finances, relationships,
work related issues, or maybe just too many options and you have no idea what you want
to do- balance shall be restored, pressure will ease off and happiness will be regained.
Next, what we have here is the Nine of Swords.

The Nine of Swords can be such an ominous
card. It portrays a woman sitting up in bed, covering her face in what we can only assume
is her crying or feeling despair. I never like to get this card in a reading because
usually you can expect some blocked progress or you may experience some worry or some anxiety
about your future or maybe somebody close to you. You may have to face some unpredictable
changes or temporary losses.

The good thing is that you will soon see that everything
has worked out for the best of all. So, don't let your worry get the better of you. If you
find yourself in the midst of change or feel concerned for some upcoming changes, embrace
them, feel them, and find comfort knowing that everything will work out for the best
in the end. And last, what we have here is the Two of

The Two of Swords says you have options. Take heed and really stop and observe what
those options are and what they will do for you. You will move ahead despite any fear,
doubt, or confusion. Now is the time to align yourself with supportive friends and family.
Be ready to move ahead quickly and expect a surprise or two along the way.

Just remember
everything in the universe follows a natural rhythm. Day follows night and harvest follows
fallow. Your day of harvest is drawing near and once that time comes you will find yourself
with a renewed sense of enthusiasm. Have a blessed week everyone.

If you would
like to do a private reading with me, you can find me on the Google Play Store or the
iTunes store under the Psychic Txt app. Thank you for letting me guide your week and I hope
to see you again next week. Bye for now!.

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