Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Psychic Txt - Free Tarot Card Reading with Bonus Merc Rx Info -- June 8-14, 2015 -- By Bethany

Psychic Txt -
Hi everyone, Bethany here bringing you your
weekly tarot card reading. I hope that you have had a good weekend and you are ready
for the upcoming week. I know I am as we will find ourselves coming to the end of Mercury
Retrograde. This has been a particular difficult one for me this time around and I know for
a lot of you as well.

So before I move on to the upcoming weekly tarot card reading,
I wanted to ask my cards what they feel the overall message is we should be learning from
this Mercury Retrograde in particular. So I got the Magician card. And, the Magician
card is the first card in Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. He's also represented by the
number one.

He suggests that there will be new beginning, manifesting your deepest desires,
maybe selling that house or piece of property you have been trying to sell. It's a good
time to budget your finances and get them on the right track. If you are ready to start
something new, he says make a new plan and then do it! I know I can use the advice for
my own life as I always struggle to stay on my diet or get outside and get moving around.
This would be a great time to make a plan that you can stick with. What changes do you
need to make in your life? Think about that and leave me some feedback.

I'd love to hear
your comments about how my readings are affecting you or how Mercury Retrograde has been for
you this time around. Okay, so let's get started with the weekly
tarot card reading. I've gone back to my Rider Waite tarot deck this week. I'm going to do
what is called a cross spread and I will explain what the positions are as we go through the

I shuffled my cards and here is what I got for the week of June 8th through the
14th. So, first I've got the Two of Swords here and it's in the position of where you
are now. I show currently that you are focused on moving ahead, but you may be feeling some
anticipation, or some fear, or maybe even some confusion as you move forward. You want
to align yourself with supportive friends and family before you move forward.

So make
sure you have those people around you that can help you and that you know are going to
be there for you despite anything that may go on as you move forward. This also says
you may have an important decision that's pending or you are unsure of which direction
you want to move. So make sure you give yourself some really good deep thought about where
you want to go. Like the Magician said, for the Mercury Retrograde, this is a good time
to make a plan and to stick with it! So this leads us to the past card which when
I shuffled my cards, I got the Magician again which I found interesting.

What he's telling
you here in the past position is that this maybe be that behind the fear, or the confusion,
or the anticipation that you feel as you move forward - could be that you were trying to,
not that you are trying to, but that you are struggling to assert yourself or your work.
You want to move forward, but maybe feel like you are doing it all alone. Like I said, make
sure you get people that are with you and that are going to stand next to you. You are
ready to do something, but you definitely need some help before you do that. Here's looking forward.

And, I got the Knight
of Pentacles in the looking forward position. He's saying come on! Make that investment!
Travel to that place you haven't been to before! Let your heart lead you to your true happiness.
It's time to move forward in life. Don't be stagnant. I'm also getting here from the Knight
of Pentacles that you will or that you have a pleasure trip in store with someone you

Go and enjoy! Do what feels right for you. And, I got the Three of Cups for the 'best
you can hope for'. This card says you can hope this week is really focused on self improvement,
self healing, self realization, and self love. Since you are unable to control external conditions,
you realize that really the change must happen internally.

So, revise your attitude and the
way you react to things and you can handle just about anything that will come your way
this week. I hope you have found this helpful. If you
would like to contact me for a personal reading, please look for me. My name is Bethany and
I am on Psychic Txt.

I will be happy to help you with any situation you may be facing today. Have a wonderful week and I'll see you next
time! Bye :).

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