Friday, May 11, 2018

Psychic Txt - Free Reading - Week of 126-1212, 2015

Psychic Txt -
For this week I felt compelled to draw these
cards for the following three insights, one for your business or work environment, the
second for your home life and relationships, and the third is for your relationship with
yourself. As such, our card for our work life is the
10 of Clubs. Almost nothing could be better than this card for this area of your life!
With this card we find that the energy is very vivacious and positive. This card speaks
of business and job security.

If you are a business owner you can expect that this week
brings you all your ducks lined up in a neat little row, without having to put in much
effort at all. Things seem to fall into place and work seamlessly together. Those of you
who are are otherwise employed will find that your work environment is stable and that you
and your fellow workmates, work well together. This is a week where nothing seems to go wrong
and those things that do are easily rectified.

Moving on to this weeks energy for our home
life and our relationships. We have the Four of Hearts which is a very grounded card. It
shows the ability to stay true to the very soul of what makes your home life a place
of love and stability. It shows a willingness to compromise in a harmonious way for the
happiness of all concerned.

With the four hearts we find a home and love life where,
while we may argue fiercely and loudly, we always make up in the end and move forward
even more connected as apposed to tearing each other apart. When this card shows up
in a relationship read I know that the people involved know how to play well together and
have the fortitude to wind up celebrating there 80th anniversary as deeply in love as
the day they wed. Next for this week, we find out all about
YOU and your inner life. The card that speaks to us this week in this area is our good friend
the Jack of Diamonds.

Remember him? This week he reminds us to be gentle and polite with
ourselves. Treating ourselves as we would treat an honored house guest is what is needed
this week. I sense a lot of you are experiencing some inner turmoil and fears that are bringing
about a lot of negative self talk. Some of you are feeling the approaching new year as
a reminder of all the things you did not finish this year.

The Jack of Diamonds asks you to
direct your attention on the reality that you have achieved plenty for 2015. So stop
beating yourself up! That concludes the weekly forecast for December
6th through the 12th. My name is Laurie and I am an advisor here at PsychicTXT. I would
love to work with you this week! So remember, I'm just a click away on your PsychicTXT app! Have a great week PsychicTXTers!.

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