Sunday, May 13, 2018

Psychic Txt - Free Reading - Week of 1122-1128

Psychic Txt -
Hello and welcome to your Psychic TXT forecast
for the week of November 22 through November 28 2015.
As we look ahead into this week where in the states many of us will be getting together
with loved ones and really closing in on the part of the year where we become overly concerned
with money and finances in all kinds of different ways.
Our first card confirms the feelings of panic and overwhelm that can enshroud this time
of year. The Seven of Clubs can warn that we may be approaching life from a 'poverty
mindset.' This does not only have to mean in the monetary sense of the word but also
in the emotional sense. In regards to this time of year we can really feel stressed about
BUYING the best gifts for our loved ones. Many will go into debt that won't even be
paid off by this time next year, if they are not careful.
In the emotional sense, this time of year can bring on feelings of loneliness, of not
being good enough or worthy of affection or community.

A lot of people find themselves
even more overworked and removed from their families which can add to a sense of seasonal
melancholy. Our next card is the Jack of Diamonds. For
this week the card in this position shows the attitude we must adopt to create a week
of positive feelings and happy outcomes. Our friend here is a domineering messenger that
reveals to us that the feeling of LACK that we have is an illusion brought on by our fears
of not doing or being enough as well as not earning or having or giving enough.

This messenger
tells us that our focus needs to shift from one of unworthiness and disconnect to one
of knowing full well that our value is not in the STUFF that we can acquire but in the
earnestness of our hearts and how we intertwine our lives with others.
Lastly the King of Diamonds embodies what can happen if we work with the lessons revealed
to us by the Jack of Diamonds. By accepting the fact that we are each as worthy and as
important as anyone else we can cultivate and spread joy and balance in our lives and
those around us. Actions such as these can make for an enjoyable week where seeing our
families becomes a blissful reconnection as opposed to a dreaded event that we must trudge
through for the sake of tradition. Ultimately what is being imparted here by
the King of Diamonds is that in many ways happiness and success are feelings we can

Allowing ourselves to succumb to feelings of self doubt and worry will not help us in
the end. It's not about lying to ourselves about the realities of life but of realizing
the fact that we have more power than we feel we do. That ends this weeks forecast. I am Laurie
an Advisor here on PsychcTXT.

If you would like a customized reading I'm only a click
away. We also have many other talented advisors who are eager to offer insight and help you
with life's many wonders. Thanks and have a great week PsychicTXTers

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