Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Psychic Txt - Online Psychic Readings -Psychic Tarot Reading Week of 817-823, 2015

Psychic Txt -
Hey Guys, it's Bethany bringing you your weekly
Tarot forecast for the week of August 17th through the 23rd. Can you believe we are almost
to the end of summer and kids are already going back to school? I know it's a relief
for some of you so let's take a look at what you can expect for your week ahead.
First, what we get here is the Seven of Swords. And traditionally, in Tarot, when you have
three or more swords in a reading, it predicts a tremendous amount of activity. So this week
will be a busy week where you may feel that you have so much to do you aren't quite sure
you can handle it all.

Some things you have staked in the ground ready to go, but then
you have all of these other things that need to be done. And you are going so fast you
are not quite sure you can get it all done. So, we get the Page of Swords here and he
says, "Don't worry, you can get it all done. Just be practical, think it through and walk
through everything one at a time." Don't try to do everything at once.

If you are trying
to accomplish a difficult task this week, just take a deep breath and walk through it.
That's something my sister Sabrina always says. Walk through it. Just take your deep
breath , because you are going to get through it and everything is going to be okay.
So next, we have the Five of Cups. You may feel that you have some setbacks or delays
this week especially when it comes to obstacles that are in the way of a love interest or
maybe even a job or job promotion you've been longing for.

If you experience a disappointment
this week, know that it is okay to withdraw and experience these raw emotions. Just don't
let them completely take over and ruin your week. But, if you need to shutdown, do so,
because the Nine of Wands here says you will experience a sudden change in your circumstances.
Someone will come along who will change things for the better. Whether this person is a new
love interest or someone who helps take you to the next level with work, you won't experience
disappointment for too long.

Your savior is on the way.
And then in closing, we have the Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups starting the dawning of a
new beginning especially in emotions desires, inner experiences or spirit. Act on any ideas
or new avenues that you want to pursue. Your ideas will be met with success.

What you want
also wants you and it's only a matter of time before you get it. I hope this helps guide
your week. Thank you for joining me looking at your week ahead. If you would like a private
reading with me, please feel free to contact me through your Google Play Store or iTunes.
You can find me on the Psychic Txt app on your phone.

May you all have a blessed and
wonderful week. I will see you next week. Bye!.

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