Monday, April 23, 2018

[Psychic Ability] Are You Psychic Discover Your Psychic Abilities

[Psychic Ability] Are You Psychic Discover Your Psychic Abilities
Oh my gosh. Welcome to psychic U online training. I'd really love it if you would dive right
in and do the free psychic online video exercise which will show you what your strongest natural
psychic senses are because then you want to take a look at what the rest of them are...And
start to develop and open those psychic senses because that is your instrument. It's clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance,
and you may not understand what these words are.

You want to turn those senses on to their
maximum potential. If you're already well underway, that's great.
You can just do this exercise as well because things do change...And shift a bit. What this is gonna do is just let us know
exactly what senses are strongest at this moment and remember -
there's no wrong answer. Things change.

Just - all you have to do is pay attention
to what your mind is doing. Everything comes through the mind.
So just pay attention to how you're interpreting this whole scene that I'm going to play out
for you with words... With my words, which are totally symbolic
abstract things...What is it in you that builds this picture? And you know, more than a picture...Obviously. How do you inhabit this scene that we're going
to do? I'd like you to get a piece of paper and pencil
because you can - you know - keep track of the strongest gifts at this moment and if
you could make a date on the paper then you'll be able to track it later because like I said,
they do shift....

This is the starting point and it's a good
place for you to begin! So go get a piece of paper and a pen and we
will start after you get that. This entire exercise is (way) under ten minutes. If you want to start developing your psychic
abilities, please start with your strongest natural sense. That way, you'll be happier
(as you open up) because you'll get more success...Sooner.

Sit down. And find a comfortable spot. Close your eyes. And just listen.

Imagine... We're just going to daydream for a moment. You're walking up a quiet road in the countryside
in the late afternoon. The sun peeks through the clouds.

There are fluffy clouds and streaky clouds.... They're starting to build in the distance. A bird flies overhead. You hear some noises.

It begins to rain. Soft raindrops are falling and puddles form
on the ground. Pay attention to the air. Is it moving? A cool gust moves across your face.

The leaves of the trees rustle. The rain is like a tropical rain. The sun is also out. And you can feel now the sun warming your

Do you taste the cleansing water? What do you smell? Do you see any colors? Do you feel the water on your skin under your
feet? Do you hear it? Check in with your own body and what's happening. What's the strongest sense that you're using
in this moment? There's no right or wrong. What stands out in your mind the most? What was the easiest thing to inhabit (or
imagine)? Think back on the exercise and what stands
out as far as what you experienced. If you look at your notes, you will see a

What's the strongest? It's either gonna be
visual, hearing, you know - it'll be one of the five senses: Sight, smell, touch, taste,
hearing, seeing.... Bravo! You did it. I'm so excited about your progress. You know now - what is the most immediate
psychic sense for you and this is the one that's just gonna be your natural starting
point in the next segments if you want to go ahead and start exploring with all the
different techniques and tricks and tools that I can offer you.

I'm so excited. It's
gonna be so fun! You can get this at psychic-u.Com
if you haven't already signed up yet...And if you have, you'll get another email from
me (Lisa Atkinson) inviting you to your own sampler course next. In the meantime, I just want to tell you the
reason this works is because psychic information and spiritual information comes through the
same side of the brain as um...Your imagination! So that's why this is actually accurate. A lot of people who are gifted, intuitive...Psychic
or whatever you want to call it...People who sense things on more than just the five physical
senses, have gone away from their gifts after experiencing something in childhood that was

And so a lot of us have taken these breaks
and come back to it as adults. There are definite things we can do to reconnect
to those gifts and to accelerate them and develop them and harness the power of those
gifts...And that's definitely something that I really enjoy watching other people do because they get to connect for themselves
that way and see the magic inside them and also the magic they can bring to other people's
lives and it becomes this network of light worker people and I know that sounds a little
bit ridiculous to some people...Ha ha ha But that's probably not my audience. Ha ha It's okay. We know - those of us that have experienced
the magic and the miracles - what it's truly about.

And that it's real..

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