Monday, April 30, 2018

How To Prepare For A Psychic Reading - by Psychic Tana Hoy

How To Prepare
Hi my name is Tana Hoy and you can find
me at www. TanaHoy.Com. That's TanaHoy .Com I want to talk about psychic
readings. I've been kinda surprised that a lot of people have been asking me what
do I do that I can get ready or prepared before my reading so I can get the most
out of my psychic reading.

Well, I always recommend to my clients
that you write all your questions down before I call them. That way when we get caught up in conversation, or people get excited,  they're having a reading they forget their questions, so then they may hang up the phone and they think "Oh crap!" I wish I had asked that, or I wish I had
asked this. So if you've got them written down then you'll make sure to be able to get all
your questions answered. So that's the first thing that I recommend.

The other thing I recommend is you
should spend about five to ten minutes in silence for meditation before your
reading is scheduled. So I always tell my clients to sit by
the phone for about five or 10 minutes beforehand, light a candle if you like, or
some incense maybe play some soft music, and just sit
there are a few moments and kind of calm down your energy. Calm down your vibrations, and let yourself relax because the more relaxed you are the more open
your energy is, and the more open your energy is makes it a lot easier for me to read for that person. So those are two
things that you can do to get ready for a psychic reading.

Uh, you can ask anything . Remember during psychic reading, and  I always stress this there are no right questions or wrong questions to
ask. I always tell people, and I hope I stress this enough: "Please never feel silly asking me any questions!" Because I think
to myself, when people say"Oh I feel crazy ask you this!"  I think "Wow! You feel
crazy? I talk to dead people and spirit guides and angels and
invisible beings, and you're telling me you feel crazy? People think I'm crazy all the time! So
I've heard it all and I've seen it all! So there's nothing to be ashamed or
embarrassed about . So I always tell people make sure that you ask whatever you want and never
feel embarrassed! And by the way, if you ever go to a psychic that makes you feel
ashamed or embarrassed of your questions, you're
going to the wrong psychic! So I hope that you found this
information helpful for you.

And again you can find me at TanaHoy.Com. That's TanaHoy.Com And I hope that you found this helpful about psychic readings!.

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