Sunday, April 29, 2018

GEMINI November FREE Psychic Tarot Reading with Ava and Trudy THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES!!

I am trudy she is ava welcome to Virtual tarot trudy and I are actually reading the tarot
now in the temple of delphi... Last month we were outside this month we are right inside
the temple yes and we will be coming at you once again talking about the oracles
delphi who made prediction for two thousand years yes we had a long history of
divination shared our vision with the cultures that we were in and we were
revered by that as women honored for our contribution creatively telepathically
and biological so even I are adopting the theme we are and becoming actually
transmuting and tarot before your eyes will be doing more and more of
this this month this month Thanksgiving we're thankful that you're here to join
us and we that we want to tell you what we do here at virtual tarot first and
foremost we teach you the art of reading the tarot for yourself yes we do and we do that by delving into
the various symbols within each tarot card these symbols are are typical derived
from the ancient Egyptian culture and the ancient Greek culture and they are
means by which treaty we used to communicate important vital information
via symbols reappear because pictures and symbols predate the
written word a pitcher they say expresses a thousand words our cameraman
a gif expresses 100 thousand words... Laugh yeah there's a certain application that
we have that we communicate with well it's it's it's a remarkable thing
that we have lost literally the art of communication was simple and that's what
we do here at the Delphic oracle table is we forecast for the next month for
your style Gemini via these symbols and if you watch this one this particular
tarot readings and all the other readings and you can even go back and see our
tarot readings from before and educating yourself as to the meaning of
the various meanings of these symbols they could be used as a tool for what top of the Delphic temple it snowed I
still the expression know that stuff and if you don't know who you are there's no way you're going to be able
to have a life that's going to completely fulfill you let you identify
that is exactly that's what knowing myself is all the pope which is also a
patron is all about it is the art of so contemplation and 20 shed light on your
sense of what's going on in your life via civil right so there you go yes as above so below that's the model I will be doing more important that as
you can see we're sitting on our own tripods the Oracle did over tripods and
then there was this stranger Cole structure in which the gas from and so it came out from the 50% healthy
that was their inspiration that was there that was there sacrament absolutely yeah yeah a little
lesson Oracle Delphi now can speak to you about what we do here virtually
every month we did before card spread and we're going to run with that Terrell fred is all about go ahead over the
first card represents the overall energy of the month of November general and
stuck it cars represent the second time tarot card tarot card reading challenges
challenge for the month of November that their card represents the unexpected
element of the month and then the four tarot card will tell you later outcome and then we will you wear it too
and that's why we say these cards do not live alone there are affected by their
brother and sister car and you must watch that is well if you want to learn
how to read the trophy for yourself and without set with that also like to
mention before we start is that we have a gift card and the card is called our
council car and its spiritual counsel and you can subscribe to that if you
wish you subscribe to our country card yes and the reason for that is because
it's far more military it will show you the higher spiritual perspective with
the four cards for it neat and it adds fifth card of direct spiritual counsel
ok ok you ready to move into last month's rehab I am so ready for this is
what was going on for you Gemini is going on for you because we are
currently in October in the month of October very first position in the
position of environment the head before you started out with zero rate card even
though its fine because initially when I. Started learning how to read the TRO the
idea of being a fool is seen as perhaps derogatory but actually this is a high
compliment by spirit this is also this card would be in the Holy Trinity you
would be the Holy Spirit the breath of fresh air the during the when Jesus left and in the apostles experience the Holy
Spirit that was a time of revolution an epiphany show this is that freshness
that you need to move into the next iteration of your life and so you are
going to be a risk taker of some sort you know you're going to try something
that you had been perhaps previously hesitant to do so and you're going to do
it with a great deal of joy and innocence and all the potential creative
and potential within you will be freed up and so you're you're launching your
cell phone of new adventure remember we're talking
about 90 we don't want to lose on this card we were talking about his past life
Brian Weiss meditation that I was working on where you you take you back
to your childhood oh yes it's very much like the whole because the fools all
about that in a childlike in Athens in his every member and how to venture out
without a lot of negative self-talk right over calculated which is offering
keeps you from trying anything there you go and then in the second position is
the page of Pentacles and its upright yes great car always a good card and I
like tentacles because pinnacles has to do with bank money yeah anything to do with the physical
plane everyday reality that you have survival creativity making something new doing something new and it needs right
that's right that's right you are literally taking that attitude that new
attitude and in something practical and seeing what can be done how can I utilize my skills in order to
accomplish in manifest he knew means by which to sustain myself or to create
something we don't even have last month notes to just do it all over again ok so when the next position with it we
have for you and the Empress upright this is the part of the goddess this is
the card of the mother ok shown you may find yourself feeling
very creative and about to give birth to this new creative endeavor which also
goes hand in hand with a full very nicely if you are trying to get pregnant
you may have found that you unexpectedly this month will become pregnant literally and if you are if you are
trying to become more creative just first thing like a flower with eternity and you're also able to manage your
kingdom you are the overseeing all aspects of your particular world and
it's all managed beautiful I was think of fertility when I think of this card
to examine this is the fertile month it's a fertile ground in the last 23 off
tentacles upright another wonderful card accorded collaboration yes Paul Daley
dumpsters card yea feels like a little love house or the Freemason card
sometimes you know what you're doing it in the collaborative manner and you're
bringing in various Mason and you go and you want to build something where you
have to collaborate what does this property wat you build according to the
stipulations so you you are a just but it can also mean collaborative
complementary skill sets together to create a foundation Wow mom oh my god and just starting it
and that was it I wish just forget the yeah yeah I mean November beyond October
I don't know and of course there is a contract
because we are sure that this contract next month we will tell you are ready I
don't care but tenuously and I want to also tell the cross the ace of spades yes I was running and on the ground
where violence ok so it is a pentacle tarot card so that is plenty of money
cars it's it's it's the Sun God so I.

Kept the card but OK. Central but here we are in my life have
someplace ok now he is the pinnacles but an equally dynamic card which actually
works even better with pool because this is what you need you are on fire this
month to say that before you mentioned to its been made of magic you just pop
up right now but we love this card card charisma its fire with fire fire fire
fire yes so this is a little bit in polls can carry that sign showing those
qualities which generalize very calculated back sometimes this card is
very much call for because there's a certain amount of impulsive news with
this energy and it's not that far anyway violating laws reason rational but you
take the creative impulse and run with it exactly you know and you are the inspiration for whatever
project whatever job whatever whatever environment whatever your goal or is you
become inspirational this is the card of pure imagination to and you know that
imagination is the meet by which you create your future it is not about just
poetry or or it is and it is also mixed with which is why I love this card is
equal parts inspiration in education and also doing some yes it's an action card
because the ball on our action it's where you take your inspiration and you
do something with it the problem with people are imagined to do so times is that they fear anything with
that particular inspiration or idea but that there is no fear this one goes
really well with that fool yes the risk risky card yes what you've done here is
something is ignited you and it could be about it could be about any particular
creative idea or project or it could just be about you wanting more dare go there to do something right so
that is the night of one's let's talk about the next card tarot card three cards read tarot cards next
position at the challenge position I. Love this position we have oh well that
goes along really well last month to it is positionally heading back to court
last month in this position we have a MetroCard this it is the ant from the
page last month you work fast to the tune of work fast just you are on fire yes because your challenges 2003
creating a foundation for your family Yeah Yeah Yeah right its leg money that
we say this sometimes creating money income while you're sleeping creating a
foundation so that you can support yourself and others yes and or depending
on what your age is either being supported by family or having to support
a member various generations of me to bring them
in to encompass them in your the secure your secure are to protect and to uphold
uplift the family and this is also do you sometimes called the court of
inheritance yes so it can also have to do with the practical legacy behind or
what he was in life and beyond just financial inheritance it can be also
qualities that you inherit medical properties we are you know the
end of a long chain of human beings have contributed their experience genetics in other words that now we
understand that our genes are not static or I'm growing or developing they
developed they grow they change according to how we experience our life
is so we've inherited that from our ancestors you have your own DNA could be
a challenge may be thinking about those things because we had the pool
previously the child now we're going into Who Am I and you know what are my
inherent you know skills tools things tentacles because that may now into an
even larger a larger family that preys on a very practical in the third
position which is the position the unexpected position as well what is the
general ok ok how weird we have this happen and this is why we believe in the
trio this is one of the reasons we believe we note that spirit I don't why
we have the church chariot and where was she really lost my cherry was in the
position of outcome this month at his position of the unexpected tarot card says had the trip in the upper right she's ok
right now he can always take the justice as lovable yeah well that's how ya like
this part of course major card I love major credit cards because this is like
a strike myself in and enjoy the ride position and card what is the chariot
we've got to travel with happening maybe here which may have to do with whatever
that collaboration endeavor is free of chemicals from last month unexpectedly you are in command and
control it should know that easy right beyond that we've got this fiery Knights
got a lot of gas in the car and the male and female aspects of the psyche the
left brain right brain are working in harmony and you are in a situation that is
confrontational advises to pause to step back and to disengage before before that
can escalate it has that because the chariot is not moving its preparing its
preparing for battle and so it is that hesitation before the battle where you
reconnect with your higher self and you structures so the above the battle this
battle you do not have to engage in it if it is volatile but the vehicle looks
to be to have been built so there is a vehicle that will get you from point A
to point B not only built but it is that's a very good car to come up with
in this reading a few working on a new project try to get something off the
ground vehicle that can actually take that trip yeah you have the means by
which to accomplish your games something on the material level is assisting you
and it unexpectedly some surprise element that brings your ambition to a
faster more be conclusion may be supplied even because it's mission of the unexpected so you may all
the sudden lookout Dr where there's a new for REO their metaphorically so said
they're like oh I can do this yeah I can get there yeah yeah so you
got wheels you got your wheels yeah and then the last position just came up ok sweet the five of swords
an announcement card share of hard to get five stores in the uprising we did
have this I know for sure we have this tarot card right yes if they want and I'm gonna be
alright by the fact that the phone number 570 number is very important
being that you're so there might be interesting how it came from there might
be some sort of this is a card depicting post battle after battle alright yeah
and there are there's a victor and there are blue chips so somehow the situation
you are the victor generally speaking the weary and is the victor you would be
the Harriet Gemini and you are feeling you can see
this sort of a smile on the face so you feel like you're the champion and learn to read the tarot but there are others who have lost this
battle so you won some sort of battle and you are feeling but you see you
might have created because the losers are not pleased with the results might
have to be dealt with later in this in this conflict of ideas swords cards a conflict of ideas and you
there was often when we debate when we battle and are ideal winds out there is
resentment from the others whose ideas did not just a warning it's like this is
a no-win situation at the end of the month is maybe a no-win situation that
comes up a rock and a hard place situation for you but it is strictly a
battle line level you're not physically you know confronting anybody's mind
battles so they're so badly wrong who's got a better idea so don't be too pushy
don't be too pushy which is what we're staying in this reading is very cushy we
have this first part it is it's great to have firing really you know yeah but he
can't even step on toes the temple said this before these courts
do not live alone near the you know what we have here we go this night opening
the month on fire which is energy for you got all these things happening
because you're trying to create a situation legacy together collaborating
organizations with your family or whatever that's good well be a vehicle
rollover everybody run over everybody I. Don't do that yeah that spirit spiritual adviser yes
yes but I mean that vehicle hardy's good business card is the most powerful part
of the whole reading just heard as your ambition yeah and juice juice obey the rules of
the road because you know every that the charioteer is about to enter into the
arena and the arena the battle in the arena has rules you have to know by the
rule out a little bit yeah the rules and just obey the laws of the Karma Road
yeah that's really what this is all about yesterday because he is not just
about past karma yeah everything you think create car because you're gonna
get to this ten did you don't have to do it yeah yeah and situational awareness and
don't take advice from people if you're feeling as if some people just get out
there and take it off yourself we talked a lot about this you know what's really important
where are your values to share ya winner takes all about sharing about supporting
others about finding means to cooperate to love or greater or less your family
so this would be a winner takes all mentality absolutely and so let's not do
that yeah okay if you would like the fifth tarot
card spiritual counseling this four-part spread more information about why as a
winner take all and as sort of an in-depth look at the way this entire
narrative plays out on even higher level as it could even be somebody else trying
to take from you but you will win yeah so let's find out how you can
handle that in those right way with principal subscribe to the major arcana tarot counsel card a lot of people have subscribed and we thank you and post gratitude and your comments we enjoy reading them if we don't answer
every single one of them doesn't mean that we don't read them we are
tremendously and we are working on our tarot school school working on the Tarot schools so
that we can teach you in a more formal study and teach you how to become
financially independent tarot card reader that's right we do with what we well one
of them this is one so keep your your your eyes open for that ok thanks a lot
we also do private and personal readings please check the site a majority virtual
trip dot com just click on the purchase be pleased and she would be pleased to
do a reading for you personally go to avatrudyvirtualtarot.Com Happy Turkey day from ava and trudy of Virtual Tarot.


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